Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Letter Giving Permission For Travel

Censis Survey 2008: What do customers think of their lawyers?

A recent survey conducted by Censis in 2008 puts it under a magnifying glass the attitudes of clients with lawyers, and analyze the perception and rating of a sample of the population (of 1500 people) who had direct experience of legal services in the last 10 years. The research was commissioned by the National Bar Council and presented during the XXIX Congress of the Advocacy held November 14, 2008.

Among the many positive aspects highlighted by the survey made, shows a widespread recognition of the value of social advocacy , for example 36.2% of the score gives the lawyer a central role because him as a professional who can provide certainty. In this sense, the figure of the lawyer responds to a need for social security because he is a recognized need for protection of fundamental rights of the citizen from 38.7% of respondents.

Through research are also dispelled some common especially regarding tariffs . E 'was found that attorneys' fees are not charged to discourage the use of this professional, in fact only 6.3% changed because of lawyer fees too expensive.
In most cases, 'was found clarity on high tariffs despite a fairly substantial minority (17.9%) considers the poor. The
58.1% felt that justice does not cost so much because of the lawyers, commonly found guilty of contributing to delays in assessments to gain an economic advantage.
while 87, 3% of customers do not judge unless a competent attorney who practices the lowest rates because they believe that the preparation can be assessed through other factors. Despite a widespread appreciation

, research also sheds light on critical issues. These occur in particular in terms of "perception" of quality of service , something that is independent of the objective result of the performance. 55.8% of respondents believe that lawyers think only in profit. The truth is that the focus of attention of the client that the lawyer is subject to its satisfaction, ie, the continuity in assistance, the ability to understand his needs, the protection of your privacy. This suggests
lawyers to pay more attention to managing customer relationships, and when the service is provided to the stage of post-sale ", ie after the end of the performance.

The survey then examines the potential lines of engagement for law firms and advertising information identifies one of the challenges that lawyers should face. Advertising as a source of information is a little used but still holds the potential to be reckoned with if you do not want to leave "a void that others could fill." So quotes the research, hoping for a growth of communication and information to customers "who will certainly appreciate the information threshold sbassamento - even in the form of catalogs, ad hoc services that can be expected by the Advocate."

Monday, December 1, 2008

How Long Does Gingerbread Last For

noticed on television to promote the profession

Recently I noticed the French, followed in 2008 by Belgian notaries, to promote their profession to young people, have adopted a style of communication completamente nuovo, finanziando la produzione di una mini serie televisiva dal titolo “T’as pas 1 minute?” (che tradotto significa “Hai un minuto?”). La breve sitcom della durata di un minuto è andata in onda sul canale M6 da Aprile a Dicembre 2006 dal lunedì al venerdì alle ore 19.50 e la domenica alle 20.35. La mini serie racconta in modo ironico e disinvolto le vicende di sette personaggi che lavorano all’interno di uno studio notarile. Il loro vissuto, fatto di aneddoti, gioie e intrighi viene ritratto con toni leggeri ed offre ai telespettatori la possibilità di esplorare la quotidianità di una professione a tratti poco conosciuta.

Tra i personaggi find a notary man and a woman lawyer, a secretary, an assistant, an aspiring lawyer, an accountant and a practitioner. In particular, the two notaries and Patricia Francois - both highly praised for their rigor and commitment at work - over time reveal their weaknesses. For example, Francois has formed with his former comrades and a rock band from time to time is to repeat parts of songs even when he is in office. While Patricia has a penchant for shopping and love word games, also it seems to be the kind of woman who intimidates men, from which point his recurrent emotional problems.

The aim of the initiative was to enable young people to gain confidence con la professione notarile e di suscitare il loro interesse. L’iniziativa non si è fermata alla produzione del programma televisivo, ma è stata veicolata attraverso più canali: la stampa dedicata agli studenti, internet, webmail e SMS. Inoltre nel 2007 il CNS - Consiglio superiore del notariato francese - ha organizzato una campagna itinerante d’informazione che ha toccato 28 città, finalizzata a far conoscere le diverse attività della professione notarile e di sensibilizzare i più giovani sui temi del diritto e sulle implicazioni nella vita quotidiana.

Risultati dell'azione di comunicazione

A seguito della campagna di comunicazione il notariato, ha avviato una verifica dei risultati raggiunti sui giovani e sull’opinione pubblica francese, attraverso la realizzazione di una ricerca da cui è emerso un diffuso cambiamento di opinione sui notai tra chi era stato raggiunto dalla campagna d’informazione.

L’indagine realizzata prima e dopo la messa in onda della mini-serie ha analizzato vari punti, tra cui:

· Il livello di orientamento alla professione notarile: l’esposizione al programma ha portato una diminuzione del numero di refrattari;

· Il motivo principale che indirizza i giovani ad intraprendere la professione del notaio: sotto questo aspetto la remunerazione ha riscontrato il maggior numero di adesioni. Inoltre i giovani che prima Exposure declared a general inclination to do better define the reasons.

· After watching the television series, the reasons of resistance compared to the job of the notary that were "boring" and "monotonous" disappear from the main grounds. The majority of people not interested does not make specific reasons.

· Initially the first three adjectives that were associated with the figure of the lawyer were "Tied to the money" - "Administrative Role" - "Elder". Note how the adjective "Serious" has taken the place of "old" after exposure.

· In some respects the image of the notary appeared difficult to evolve. Although there has been progress that indicate that there is room for improvement.

Commenting on the findings, Luigi Ricci, media expert and director of 'research and advisory institute Barometer says: "In recent years we have witnessed a proliferation of TV drama focused on specific occupational groups. Among the most popular players stand out judges, lawyers, doctors, police and priests. "The fiction in uniform not only successful with the public but also play another important role. "The fiction television," sostiene Luigi Ricci “gioca un ruolo importante nella costruzione di un’immagine socialmente condivisa di alcune figure professionali. Lo sanno bene le forze dell’ordine che hanno iniziato a collaborare attivamente a tutte le fasi di scrittura e di produzione di quelle fiction che li riguardano affinché il risultato che si vuole trasmettere sia positivo.”

Nel 2008 anche i notai del Belgio hanno prodotto la propria serie televisiva seguendo lo stampo dei francesi. Il format è rimasto lo stesso, a cambiare è stato solo il numero dei protagonisti che da sette è passato a cinque ed il titolo che è diventato “On passe à l’acte”.

Link alla serie francese:
Link alla serie belga:

Monday, November 24, 2008

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Top 100: The ranking of law firms in 2008

Anche nel 2008 la rivista Top Legal ha stilato la classifica dei primi 100 studi legali italiani per fatturato. Uno dei più importanti dati emersi indica che le prime 100 law firm italiane hanno raggiunto un fatturato complessivo di 1,74 miliardi di euro, ciò significa che il 13% del mercato legale italiano è legato all’attività di 5.700 professionisti, vale a dire il 3% dell’intera forensic category.

The market leaders are confirmed Bonelli Erede Pappalardo (with 231 professionals and 140 million turnover) and Chiomenti (208 professionals and a turnover of 125 million).

The first British law firm in this ranking is Freshfield earning fifth place last year belonged to Clifford Chance. As you can see, the top ten positions are occupied by half by subsidiaries of major UK law firms that, despite the Anglo-Saxon origins have among their ranks almost exclusively of Italian professionals.

A significant fact which distinguishes the Italian studies by the British about the profits. In Italian studies are più consistenti poiché hanno una struttura di costi che equivale al 30%-40% del fatturato mentre tra gli inglesi i costi incidono maggiormente arrivando ad un 65%-70%. In questo ambito il picco di eccellenza è rappresentato da Pavesi Gitti Verzoni che è riuscito a generare un utile pari all’80% del proprio giro di affari.

Tutti gli studi della classifica Top 100: 1.Bonelli Erede Pappalardo 2.Chiomenti 3.Gianni Origoni Grippo 4.Pirola Pennuto Zei 5.Freshfields 6.NCTM 7.Clifford Chance 8.Allen & Overy 9.KStudio Associato 10.Cleary Gottlieb 11.Tonucci 12.Becker & McKenzie 13.Grimaldi & Associati 14.Simmons & Simmons 15.Pavia e Ansaldo 16.Sutti 17=Camozzi e Bonissoni 17=Trifirò & Partners 19.d’ Urso Munari Gatti 20.DLA Piper 21.Lovells 22=Macchi di Cellere Gangemi 22=Maisto e Associati 22=Santa Maria 25.Ughi & Nunziante 26.Labruna Mazziotti Segni 27.Pedersoli & Associati 28=Carnelutti 28=Lexjus 30.Ernst & Young 31=Linklaters 31=Lombardi Molinari e Associati 33.Di Tanno e Associati 34.Hammonds Rossotto 35.MBL & Partners 36.Ashurst 37.Dewey & LeBoeuf 38=Agnoli Bernardi e Associati 38=Delfino Wilkie Farr 38=Giliberti Pappalettera Triscornia 41.CMS Adonnino Ascoli 42=Bird & Bird 42=Tosetto Weigmann 44.Orrick 45.De Berti Jacchia 46=Sciumè e Associati 46=Vita Samory Fabbrini 48=Adacta 48=Delli Santi 48=Morri e Associati 48=Paul Hastings 48=Pavesi Gitti Verzoni 48=Piergrossi Bianchini Eversheds 54=Norton Rose 54=Sherman & Sterling 56.Persiani 57.Toffoletto e Soci 58.Carbonetti 59.Ripa di Meana 60=Jacobacci e Associati 60=Jones Day 60=Lca Lega Colucci e Associati 63.La Scala & Associati 64.Rodl & Partners 65=LCA 65=Nunziante Magrone 65=Puopolo Geffers 68=Danovi & Georgiani 68=TLS 70.Trevisan e Cuonzo 71=Cannata Pierallini 71=McDermott Will & Emery 71=Mondini Rusconi 71=Morbidelli 75=Abbatescianni 75=Letham & Watkins 75=White & Case 78=Apollo & Associati 78=LabLaw 78=Portalupi & Partners 78=Sandulli e Associati 82.Russo De Rosa Bolletta e Associati 83.De Luca Tamajo - Boursier Niutta 84.Galante e Associati 85. SJ Berwin 86=Sena e Tarchini 86=Venceslai & Partners 88=Chiello & Pozzoli 88= Fava e Associati
90.Traverso e Associati 91=Caffi Maroncelli 91=Giuffrè Scorcelli Rosa & Partners 93=NGD 93=Piccinini & Associati 95=Gerardo Vesci & Partners 95=Salonia & Associati 97=Cajola 97=De Luca 97=Ibia 100=MM & A 100=Petrucci e Associati

Thursday, October 23, 2008

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What impact will the crisis on law firms?

di Ambra Di Tommaso

Fatturati record: solo un ricordo?

A Settembre 2008 l'autorevole rivista inglese Legal Business ha stilato la classifica LB100 dei primi 100 studi legali inglesi molti dei quali hanno da anni i propri uffici in Italia. Il quadro che si estrapola dai dati non è allarmante ma verosimilmente gli effetti del credit crunch e della tempesta finanziaria che si è appena abbattuta saranno visibili solo a partire dai bilanci del prossimo anno. In questo momento marketing e sviluppo del business sono risorse più che mai strategiche e la parola d’ordine è consolidare le relazioni con la propria clientela e tenersi pronti a cogliere le new opportunities. Data in hand, we try to understand what is the climate that reigns in London, the headquarters of many of our so-called "first level of studies."

£ 13.96 billion that the total value of sales that British law firms have generated in 2008, an increase of 14% which seems to have peaked.
The profit margin equal to one third of total turnover (33.8%) is slightly lower than the previous year which had been issued in 34.2%.
But here's the most significant. In 2008 the profits of the studies were up 13%, a significant decrease compared +19% in the past year, and have also registered a growth rate lower than the turnover. data return the clear sign of a slowdown. The amount of work has increased but has produced much lower profit margins.

The Director-General of the law firm Norton Rose, Peter Martyr says commenting on the situation for the current fiscal year the revenue target could be a growth of zero percent. "It 's very difficult to judge what will happen next year. No one can predict" . The same thought is shared by the management of the studies that are part of the so-called Magic Circle (Clifford Chance, Allen & Overy, Freshfields and Linklaters) they would see as a satisfactory result of zero growth.

In such a scenario, development activities and communication play a crucial role, says Silvia Hodges, founder of the Legal Marketing Italy and Professor of Marketing at Emerson College in Boston. "It 's clear that the rules of the game are changing dramatically for many law firms. In times like these, the business the old way will not work, new opportunities are looming and the survivors will be forced to adopt new behaviors and strategies to overcome this period of economic disruption ". "It 's now time to be visible ," says Silvia Hodges suggesting a possible way to go, "it is necessary to add value and build key relationships. Law firms need more than ever to understand what customers are saying and what they need in this difficult situation. The lawyers will make a greater effort to know their customers and build solid relationships with their partners. "

rising Practice, practice reduction

Studies in view of the crisis corrono ai ripari tentando un riposizionamento. Allen & Overy che nel 2007 riceveva dal suo dipartimento di contenzioso solo il 9% del business generato dall'intero studio (il 33% era rappresentato dal corporate ed il 44% dal finance) ha lanciato un programma che prevede un rafforzamento dei ricavi provenienti dal litigation per arrivare ad un 40% del fatturato nei prossimi quattro anni.

Il contenzioso, come anche il diritto fallimentare e la ristrutturazione d'impresa , è una tipica practice anticiclica. Gli studi legali che incentrano la loro attività sul contenzioso, hanno infatti registrato un aumento del fatturato ma non così esorbitante come ci si potesse aspettare. "I clienti are still extremely reluctant to embark on a dispute "as Elizabeth Barrett, former Head of Litigation by Slaughter and May's.

On the other side, the practice of corporate continues to keep up - despite the size of transactions have decreased - but finance and real estate is weakened. The same applies to the practices of private equity already in the data charts LB100 of 2007 showed a first deflection.

But what are the prospects for who focuses his work on the financial sector? In light of speculation that caused the outbreak della bolla finanziaria ci si può aspettare che le varie autorità competenti decidano di rivedere le regole a tutela del mercato e di porre dei rimedi laddove siano emerse delle falle nell’ordinamento. "Questo può implicare una progressiva crescita dell’attività Regulatory, ovvero di assistenza a istituti finanziari e società nell’implementazione delle nuove normative." afferma Jeffrey Greenbaum , capo del dipartimento Financial Services presso la sede romana dello studio Lovells.

Clicca l'immagine della classifica per ingrandirla

In the eye of the storm

The goal of zero population growth called for by the large law firm would appear to apparently a perspective in which the current situation remains unchanged, although almost always is reflected in a decline in profitability if they are not implemented the cuts.

costs of large law firms grew over time in proportion to the increase of the salaries of lawyers and investment in the new offices. The British magazine Legal Business compare the current crisis with previous crisis in early nineties which lasted until 1993. At that momento gli studi legali cercarono di far fronte alle difficoltà protraendo i contratti dei trainee (praticanti) e liberandosi dei collaboratori in esubero. Questo potrebbe accadere nuovamente ma se fino a un anno fa il principale problema che veniva sollevato dai managing partner era di riuscire a trattenere gli associati di talento, è probabile che molti preferiranno agire con prudenza.

“E’ troppo presto per parlare di esuberi” afferma Chris Carrol, managing partner dello studio legale Travers Smith. “Sei mesi fa nessuno aveva abbastanza persone. Saremmo poco lungimiranti se dopo così poco tempo dicessimo di averne troppe. Probabilmente per i tempi che corrono ne abbiamo effettivamente troppe ma sappiamo how difficult it is to recruit talented people, so I do not think that many are already thinking about making cuts. "
In any case, since the previous crisis, we can identify some differences.
If in the '90s who suffer most were assistants and practitioners, this time to get worse - George Bull says the head of consulting firm Baker Tilly - may be lawyers with more seniority as non-equity partners who receive compensation high on a predetermined going to have a significant effect on sales of equity-partner - or shareholders, including dividends are distributed. The figure of non-equity partner is gone developed over the years and was not contemplated 18 years ago when the legal market was hit by the previous crisis. The equity partners are 16% of the total of the top 100 lawyers study English. The small number on the one hand allowed him to achieve record revenues - every equity partner in 2008 generated an average income of € 607mila - but then exposed them to more current volatility of the market making them more careful on the way invest resources.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

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Marketing law firms: the courts and media relations

legal marketing

Italy is pleased to invite you to submit
Joshua Peck
sul tema
Usate la stampa per vincere!

Siamo lieti di presentare Joshua M. Peck, fondatore, nonchè presidente della American Law Firm Media Professionals group – oltre che responsabile delle relazioni pubbliche per lo studio legale internazionale Duane Morris.
Negli ultimi 14 anni Peck si è occupato attivamente di pubbliche relazioni nell’ambito del contenzioso: processi, trattative e ADR. Ha lavorato anche come consulente per diversi Amlaw100 e vari studi inglesi, ed inoltre è stato direttore marketing e relazioni pubbliche di tre importanti studi legali internazionali. Peck cura la strategia public relations for the law firm Duane Morris, creating initiatives to promote the activities of the study to the print paper and electronic world. His work with the press part of the marketing efforts to promote the brand and business opportunities. Josh Peck has over 25 years of experience in corporate communications, in journalism, public relations, as well as in the printing industry policy at all levels. Prior to joining Duane Morris in 2004, Joshua was the Chief Marketing Officer at the offices of Hughes Hubbard & Reed, and before that, was the first director of public relations for the study of Kirkland & Ellis.

During the presentation, Joshua will discuss how law firms and would create a tax strategy that is able to 'win' with the media, the public and in court. Discuss strategies that meet the needs and dispel the fears of the press, to build productive relationships with the press, and safeguard the interests of clients of the study and pursue their goals in the cases with the press. He will also discuss the strategy that the public relations chair of the litigation, the best approach with the reporters, management of internet chatter about the causes of the 'no comment', "backgrounding" of reporter involved in the case, and how professionals should work with lawyers with messages and other key components to develop and support a 'effective strategy for conquest of the media.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thanks to
LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell and
and also our members for making it possible to organize of this event! For more information contact

legal marketing
Italy tel: +39 340 320 8957 fax
: +39 02 487 3150 5

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

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Master of Business Development of the Professional Office



Rome, 17 October 2008 - February 7, 2009

In the coming months will be held in Rome on Master of Sole 24 Ore on business development in professional studies. The master will have as its objective the development of managerial skills and marketing that allow lawyers, notaries and accountants to effectively exploit business opportunities and promote their professionalism in the market of potential customers.

the Legal Marketing Blog readers who wish to participate are entitled to a 10% discount on participation fees. To qualify for this relief is enough to send a notice by mail to the contact address of Ambra Di Tommaso and indicate the reason for the transfer to the Sole 24 Ore: "Legal Marketing Blogs".

The panel of teachers, made up of professionals from various sectors including journalists, lawyers, accountants, consultants, communications, marketing and human resources, will participate as presenters: Ambra Di Tommaso , Melania Wenstrup, Isabella Fusillo, Ambrogio Visconti, Stephen Hammer, Jane Stumpo, Luca Barabino, Lorenzo Brufani, Andrea Brugiotti, Giulio Courage, Claudio Cosetti, Michele D'Angelo, Robert De Matteo, Francesca Faccendini, Nicola Strong, Barbara Olivieri, Marta Panizza, Micol Scabbia, Flavia Silla.

The master imparts knowledge of general management, strategic and operational marketing, communication strategies for the studio analyzing the issues related to customer retention and development of its market. The training also provides the operational tools needed to design and manage a corporate communication strategy of the professional studio in the light of recent regulatory changes.

Lawyers, accountants, solicitors, marketing department managers, graduates in law and economics or in communication sciences and related products.

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Lovells Law Firm opens its doors to

A metà ottobre 2008, presso lo studio legale Lovells si terrà la serata inaugurale della mostra personale del maestro Giulianio Gentile.

L'inaugurazione si colloca all'interno del Progetto "Un anno di esposizioni ed opere d'arte" che vede lo studio legale Lovells ed i suoi spazi aprirsi per esporre le opere di tre artisti di talento: Ornella De Vito, Giuliano Gentile e William Ferraiolo,

The creator of the project "A year of exhibitions and works of art," Isabella Fusillo - Lovells marketing manager - identified in the initiative an opportunity to promote the image of the study at the customers and professionals working within the legal framework and to distinguish the Lovells for some features such as innovation, openness to new ideas and stimuli, the ability to find innovative solutions.

The three artists will alternate in the exposition at the Rome office of Lovells are united by membership with the city of Rome, where he is studying this since 2000.

Ornella De Vito opened the exhibition, 19 June 2008, with a series of paintings that celebrate the most evocative of the capital, where lights and figures with fictional characters blend of everyday life, resulting in idealized settings.

The initiative was undertaken, in fact, for the first time from the study in June 2008 and the opening night, with paintings by Ornella De Vito, saw the participation of leading names of the major Italian and international law firms with over 200 participants including lawyers and accountants, journalists and art critics.

The invitation was accepted with enthusiasm, a sign of appreciation that so many different events from the usual are appreciated in the professional world.

The next meeting will be devoted to the works of Julian Gentile, Gentile's paintings set in a mythical time and unreal, are characterized by the recurrence of symbolism and in outcrops of echoes of the past within a present allegorical.

Fulvia Astolfi, local managing partner of Lovells, said, "We are pleased to host these artists and promoters of us by providing the spaces of our office in Piazza Venezia.

The three artists, united in fact, from belonging to the city of Rome, where the international study has opened its headquarters simultaneously with that of Milan October 2000, will share the premises of the study an alternative basis from June 2008 to May 2009.

The two sites of Lovells have moved during the summer of 2007 in the new offices that have a total of 5,000 square meters available to professionals and staff, with areas devoted exclusively to customers.

The Milan office is planning for the next few months, art-related events in their prestigious offices in Via Santa Maria alla Porta 2, near Piazza Affari, the economic and financial heart of Milan.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Can Herpes Outbreaks Get Worse Over Time

Cross Selling - Legal Marketing Italy

Friday - June 27, 2008

Italian legal marketing

ha il piacere di presentarvi

Paul Denvir

sul tema

Barriere & Soluzioni

Paul Denvir è socio fondatore della PACE Partners LLP – società di consulenza leader nel settore dei servizi professionali. PACE Partners LLP opera in qualità di advisor degli studi ed è famosa, in particolare, per la sua attività di consulenza e affiancamento in merito a come ottenere più dell'incarico giusto, dal cliente giusto alle giuste tariffe.
Lavorano regolarmente con rinomate aziende internazionali operanti nei settori Legal, Tax, Management Consultancy and Business Advisory. Paul has published several books with other prominent experts in the field of professional services. His most recent books are 'Creating New Clients: Marketing and Selling Professional Services',' Managing Key Clients: Securing the future of the professional services firm ', and' Growing Your Client Base: The step-by-step guide to business development in professional services'

During the presentation, Paul will discuss how law firms and accountants can "encourage" customers to buy different services from those offered by them and how they can overcome obstacles that professional services normally face when trying to do 'cross-selling'. The presentation will be in English.

thank LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell, PROMOS and our members for making it possible to organize this event! For more information contact or Tel: +39 340 320 8957

legal marketing
Italy tel: +39 340 320 8957
fax: +39 02 487 3150 5

Fungus Growth On Dog's Nose

Marketing and Quality for law firms

Giovanna Raffaella Stumpo

Marketing e qualità
per gli studi legali

Strumenti e modelli per una strategia vincente e per migliorare la performance

pp. XXVI-390 - € 43,00 - ISBN 88-7524-096-5

Linea Professionale

:: Abstract

Il volume è volto ad illustrare al professionista legale i possibili strumenti di marketing, comunicazione e qualità, che lo Studio Legale può pensare di mutuare from the business world, to increase their performance on the market, taking into account the standard rules of the Code of Conduct Forensic, and evolutionary perspectives introduced recently by Law Decree No. 223/06 (Bersani Decree), as converted by Law No 248/06.

:: Contents provides relevant

- Guidelines for a first approach to the development of marketing by the Law Firm
- methods and communication strategies, marketing and quality gains to boost the legal profession
- Tools for the analysis of their market positioning and competitive analysis
- useful approach to a correct relationship management with the client (ie to know their needs, design services according to his expectations, provided in accordance with quality procedures, check its satisfaction)

- Glossary of Marketing, for easy understanding of language related to the topics covered by of legal professional
- Section practices, with figures, tables, examples and models of direct application in Studio
- Annotated Bibliography for further study
- Reports and interviews experts and marketing / quality of prestigious Italian and foreign law firms
- Analysis of the impact of the Bersani law on the development of marketing policy of the law firm.

:: Schema dell’Opera

Presentazione a cura del Presidente del Consiglio dell’Ordine Avvocati di Milano

● Parte I: Introduzione al marketing
- Sezione Pratico Operativa relativa alla Parte I
- Glossario dei termini e delle definizioni di cui alla Parte I

● Parte II: Elementi di marketing nello standard ISO
- Sezione Pratico Operativa relativa alla Parte II
- Glossario dei termini e delle definizioni di cui alla Parte II
- Interviste ad Esperti e Responsabili Qualità di prestigiosi Studi Legali italiani

● Parte III: Marketing dei servizi e strumenti di marketing legale
- Sezione Pratico Operativa
on Part III - Glossary of terms and definitions in Part III
- Interviews with experts and marketing of prestigious Italian and foreign law firms

● Addenda: Considerations for 'impact of Decree 223/06 as converted by Law No 248/06 on marketing policy in the legal sector


:: Author Profile

Born in Bologna in 1967, Giovanna Raffaella Stumpo and lawyers in Milan.
columnist and publicist, care columnist for magazines and newspapers, and collaborates with several major computer magazines in the network. Author of
primo testo applicativo della norma UNI EN ISO 9001 agli Studi Legali, è Consulente di organizzazione, qualità per gli Studi Legali.
In qualità di Chairman e di Responsabile scientifico di iniziative congressuali, convegnistiche e seminariali specifiche per il settore legale, contribuisce alla diffusione della cultura del diritto, su tematiche emergenti e di attualità, con particolare attenzione alle metodologie di organizzazione, gestione, qualità, comunicazione e marketing di pratica applicazione nello Studio Legale.
Per contatti: ;

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kates Playground Forum

World Finance's Legal Award - 2008

World Finance The financial magazine, has awarded a series of awards to law firms in different states.

The criteria used by the courts for the appointment of legal award winners 2008, were based on the ability of studies to achieve strategic objectives such as the development of new practice areas, expansion into markets national or international, the acquisition of new customers, the completion of mergers or acquisitions crucial.

Other key factors considered include the introduction of new technologies, success in brand management and commitment of the study to improve the quality of the workplace.

World Finance's first annual Legal Awards - 2008 Winners
Italians are

Internationalisation Best & Foreign Investment Team in Italy 2008:
Belluzzo & Associates
Best Anti- Trust & Competition Team in Italy 2008:
Grimaldi e Associati
Best Italian Industrial Relations and Labour Law Team 2008:
LABLAW - Failla Rotondi & Zambelli
Best International Tax Team in Italy 2008:
Maisto e Associati Best
Private Equity Team in Italy 2008:
Pavia e Ansaldo
Best Transfer Pricing Team in Italy 2008:
Pirola Pennuto Zei e Associati
Best Debt Capital Markets Team in Italy 2008:
Simmons & Simmons
Best Employment Law Team in Italy 2008:
Toffoletto e Soci
Best Financial Services & Insurance Team in Italy 2008:
Tonucci & Partners
Best Corporate Tax Team in Italy 2008:
Tremonti Vitali Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati
