Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pay For Yourself Wording

indication of the Advisory Committee for the evaluation of stress Related Work

Come noto, l’articolo 28, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 9 April 2008, No 81 predicted that the risk assessment should be made taking into account, inter alia, the risks from work-related stress, according to the contents of the Europe Agreement of 8 October 2004. Because of operational difficulties reported repeatedly in order to identify the correct implementation of this legislative provision, during the adoption of corrective and supplementary provisions to the Legislative Decree 81/2008, was introduced in Article 28 paragraph 1 - a, with which it is attributed to the Advisory Commission to formulate methodological indications as to the proper performance of the obligation, designed to address the activities of employers, their advisers and supervisors.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dark Poop Missed Period

UNIQUALITY Stakeholder reference to Auditor / Lead Auditor

Rome - to a 'group is considered to be representative at national level non-regulated professions, it must possess certain objective requirements. All these requirements are in possession of Uniquality, and therefore the Association itself is, and will be heard by the Italian system, both public che Privato, come Stakeholder per le attività inerenti alle Professioni rappresentate. Infatti, l’Associazione è costituita da almeno 4 anni (esattamente da più di 10 anni), ha un’ordinamento su base democratica, rappresenta specifiche attività professionali (Auditor/Lead Auditor e i Professionisti dei Sistemi di Gestione), è munita di un codice deontologico, è diffusa su tutto il territorio dello Stato con proprie articolazioni ed aderisce, in qualità di Socio fondatore,   alla UnionProfessioni la   Confederazione ed Unione delle Professioni Italiane. Con queste premesse, come pubblicamente dichiarato nel Congresso Nazionale (Safety & Quality Forum 2010), affirm in all areas and with renewed strength, with both the institutional world that with the Regulation and Control Authority, the need to be consulted for the definition of rules, norms and laws related to the profession which, to be present in the Commissions and Committees in which the professional should they represented and protected .-

Taking Vinyl On A Plane

The extension of the administrative responsibility of Government environmental crime

recommend to the Auditor / Lead Auditor and professionals systems management to download and read the following file: "The extent of liability Public administration of environmental crime " of John and Sonia Tretti Rosolen, Law Firm GTA.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wella Straight Instruction



Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sonicare Cleaning Mold From Inside

Heir To promote the change in legal services : the lesson of John P. Kotter

"Cambiare è un obbligo, chi non ci riesce ha scarse probabilità di sopravvivenza"

Articolo di Luigi Ricci esperto di marketing and communication

The economic and financial crisis of recent years has also affected the market for legal services, forcing many small and large studies to cut costs and staff, and at this stage that require large organizational changes, and these days the birth of the department "Private Clients" one of the first Italian law firm Bonelli Erede Pappalardo. Because at the end of this long tunnel of crisis, the studies that remain alive will face an entirely new market and new competitors.

Una lezione sull’arte del cambiamento, su cosa fare e sugli errori da evitare ci arriva da John P. Kotter , autore dei saggi “Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo” e “Guidare il cambiamento”. Proprio in quest’ultimo espone il percorso che anche uno studio legale può intraprendere per sviluppare il business nonostante i tempi di crisi .

Quali sono le azioni da intraprendere per un cambiamento organizzativo e culturale di successo ed evitare errori critici che potrebbero avere un effetto disastroso?

1) Stabilire un senso di urgenza

- analizzare il mercato e le realtà competitive vincenti;
- identificare e discutere crisi reali e potenziali o opportunità importanti.

Spesso si aspetta che accada il peggio prima di prendere atto del fatto che qualcosa non va: il crollo dei ricavi, la fuga di un cliente “chiave”, la drastica diminuzione delle pratiche. Di fronte ad una situazione nuova e negativa, può succedere che i partner sottovalutino la situazione oppure vengano presi dal panico. In questa situazione il morale che scende e la fiducia nella formula dello studio tende a diminuire. Non sempre è facile motivare e far comprendere ai partner dello studio e agli associati l’urgenza e le ragioni del cambiamento, more than half of the attempts fail at this stage but in times of crisis it is reasonable to question the figure of the head and the first line of the study.

2) Form a powerful guiding coalition

- form a team with the ability to drive change;
- to encourage the cohesion of the team.

teams can change from even two people, but in the course of the strategy is the involvement of as many partners as possible to achieve an agreement that will proceed quickly towards the new targets. E 'need not only authorizes the head alla formazione di un team con ampie deleghe, ma che assista e guidi la coalizione. In questa fase potrebbe essere necessario il contributo di consulenti esterni che affiancano il team.

3) Creare una visione

- stabilire degli obiettivi da raggiungere;
- definire la strategia per raggiungere gli obiettivi.

La nuova visione dello studio viene elaborata dal team e trasferita a tutti i collaboratori dello studio.

4) Comunicare la visione

- utilizzare i canali della internal communication to promote a new vision;
- educate on new behaviors by the example of coalition-guide.

The staff can work together to change if they perceive that the goals are realistically achievable and that there are real benefits for them. This is the task of internal communication. Clearly and promptly inform the staff of the study on the situation prevents news circulating in the corridors that feed the misinformation and animosity. The change in walking in the studio thanks to good communication.

5) Remove barriers that prevent change

- sostituire persone e strutture che minacciano seriamente il cambiamento;
- promuovere l’assunzione di rischi e lo sviluppo di idee, attività e azioni non tradizionali.

Di frequente gli ostacoli al cambiamento risiedono nella mente delle persone più che nelle procedure dello studio, certe abitudini e prassi consolidate rappresentano i principali ostacoli. La rimozione degli ostacoli è un’azione necessaria anche per dare maggiore importanza e fiducia al team. La sfida da vincere. In questo ambito possono essere ridefiniti i meccanismi retributivi e le gratifiche.

6) Plan and create short-term victories systematically

- easy to establish interim objectives to be achieved;
- to reward the people involved in the improvements.

When goals are not realized in a short time, the confidence and motivation of the team decreases. Even small victories serve to strengthen the team and seeing the growing number of those who adhere to the change in the studio. It may take more than a year before we see some positive results, such as the arrival of new customers or increase the operating margin of the study.

In long-term vision, ci vuole pazienza, perché ad esempio, la nascita di un dipartimento rivolto ad un nuovo servizio legale, richiederà tempo prima che riesca ad affermarsi e possa essere considerato come un successo. Quindi è più probabile che risultati positivi nel breve arrivino da altri servizi già avviati cosiddetti “maturi” o da clienti affezionati.

7) Consolidare i miglioramenti e produrre ancor più cambiamento

- essere credibili nel modificare quei metodi inadeguati alla strategia;
- promuovere l’aggiornamento professionale sui nuovi standard.

Dopo i primi traguardi raggiunti, celebrare una vittoria va bene, ma bisogna evitare di considerare vinta la guerra e di congedare il team del cambiamento. E’ problematico convincere il team a riunirsi di nuovo per affrontare nuove sfide, quando si era convinto che la soluzione dei problemi dello studio era stata trovata.

Si pone perciò la necessità di un ricambio di alcuni elementi del team per affrontare le nuove sfide del cambiamento.

8) Istituzionalizzare i nuovi approcci

- descrivere i collegamenti tra i nuovi comportamenti ed il successo della strategia;
- sviluppare i mezzi to ensure the growth and turnover in leadership.

The change will be held only if the new behaviors will developed in the daily study. They will be the first partner of the firm to give evidence to the adoption of new processes.

Change differentiate and compete for the best strategy is to grow the competitive advantage of any business organization, and is also a valid concept in the market for legal services.

Continuous improvement of service quality, management of internal resources, customer care and monitoring of competition, are some of the actions of organizational change in a law office. So do not be afraid to question the modus operandi that promotes conservatism, but not act on impulse, improvising strategies suggestive but losers.

The best solution is to address the relocation with the assistance of outside consultants who can provide analytical methods and reference models during implementation of the strategy for change.

Article by Luigi Ricci

Panoramic Puzzle Frame

Marketing for Lawyers Conference at the University La Sapienza

Relatori: Prof. Mario Caravale , preside Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - Prof. Mario Morcellini , Preside Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione - Avv. Domenico Condello , Consiglio dell’Ordine di Roma con delega alla pubblicità degli uffici legali - Antonio Riva , Consigliere nazionale Ferpi e Amministratore delegato di Itinera Srl - Roberta Zarpellon , Team leader Working Group Ferpi “Comunicare le professioni”- Stefano Martello , Consulente in comunicazione - Ambra di Tommaso , Consulente e Responsabile marketing e relazioni esterne di - Barbara Ruiz , Consulente per la comunicazione di uno Studio legale .

Dopo il successo del convegno “Comunicare la Professione Legale” tenutosi nella Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’università “La Sapienza” il 13 luglio 2010 , Antonio Riva , Consigliere nazionale Ferpi e Amministratore delegato di Itinera Srl ha commentato il successo dell’evento definendolo «il primo passo verso un profiquo dialogo tra l’Ordine degli avvocati di Roma e i professionisti delle Relazioni pubbliche, soci della Ferpi, la Federazione Relazioni Pubbliche Italiana».

"After the long gone" sheet "of Bersani who liberated the categories" ordinistiche "from the bond that prohibited any form of advertising, even in professions more reluctant to give up the only form of customer acquisition - word of mouth - we look at communication professionals (and Public Relations) as potential consultants to build their reputation, "says Riva assuming an increasing interconnection between communicators and professionals.
the debate, which has compared the views on the subject of the two players, have participated with their contribution of wisdom and knowledge the two deans of the faculties that those young professionals graduating each year, Prof. Mario Caravale , Dean of Law and Prof. Mario Morcellini , his colleague in Communication Sciences.

Among institutional interventions, Attorney. Domenico Condello , Bar Council of Rome, with delegates to the advertising of legal offices, in virtue of the function performed has highlighted the importance of communication while emphasizing those that are the ethical principles to keep in mind when undertaking communication initiatives .

Gioacchino De Chirico journalist Moderator of the meeting and said that the rapprochement between the professions and intellectual assets and skills of communication is taking place in a scenario in which the frame of reference has changed quickly in both areas.

'professions, which once rested their prestige and their authority on the criteria of "distance" and "confidentiality", now are forced to deal with the need for transparency, information and participation and the need expressed by the citizens-users to choose and critically aware. " On the other hand, continues De Chirico, 'For the communication has become increasingly important to compete with productions based on so-called "intangibles" - services, values, symbolic productions - in which the time of consumption and production occur simultaneously and are subsequent to the act of buying and when the role of human resources is of decisive importance. "

In the debate in the media, the Internet is as always a leading role. Ambra Di Tommaso exploring the dynamics through which network resources become the tools for developing business and reputation has highlighted the importance of an effective online presence that comes through their website: "the website is sometimes thought, wrongly, an object superfluous, a mere showcase. Large law firms and professional services firms have recognized the importance of this first tool to boost their brand , using it as a means to transfer information (research, case studies, documentation, news) to current and potential customers. It is no longer just word of mouth, the customer uses in decision-making information collected through various channels, first of all the Web as demonstrated by a recent survey developed by Martindale-Hubbell.

According Stephen Hammer, a consultant in comunicazione per Donalda, casa di produzione audio e video di Roma, «la comunicazione sta vivendo un processo di accreditamento che riguarda il settore legale ma anche quello del Non profit e dell’ambito pubblico».

In questo momento, prosegue Martello, «è importante creare con i nostri interlocutori una relazione credibile che spieghi in maniera inequivocabile i vari step di un efficace processo di comunicazione nonché le varie mansioni deputate a questi obiettivi». Per questo, conclude Martello, «la sostanza, la misurabilità degli obiettivi, la razionalizzazione degli strumenti a disposizione si trasformano in risorse strategiche per affermare un processo di comunicazione naturally calibrated to the average long-term, carefully planned and monitored. "

Roberta Zarpellon According to the strategic aspect of communication is changing from a "spontaneous" to "intentional." Then the communication becomes competitive advantage. "In the relationship with the customer, for example, communication can build the relationship not only professional but on the content and especially on the relational content. In a word, the true heritage of the study is now the ability to build relationships based on trust between professionals and clients . Thus, the difference that creates the benefit is no longer jurisdiction, taken for granted, but the ability to build relationships. Increasingly, the professional will have to work on two fronts: to create value for the customer and find ways for him to see evidence. "

At the conclusion of the work has been extended a special thanks to lawyers Antonio Mollo, Scarlett Tricanico Sabrina Rondinelli and that their efforts have made a major contribution to the achievement of the meeting.