Thursday, August 27, 2009

Initiation Ideas Guys

Reviews: Fallout 3

Nel rigore del più classico Gdr, Fallout 3 cambia scenario trasportandoci in universo parallelo fantascientifico. L'inquietante premessa è lo scoppio della guerra nucleare negli anni '50: la popolazione sopravvive in bunker scavati nelle montagne con l'assoluto divieto di uscire, but our alter-ego will be forced to leave his sanctuary and venture into a devastated land. The location is the Washington area where developers have built an alternative land remained in the 50's to the outbreak of the disaster. Our aim is primarily to survive in the ruins inhabited by raiders, mutants, monsters, radioactive areas, and secondly we will discover a deep plot. The nsotro hero will be able to grow with time by changing potential and appearance, with a complexity worthy of the best RPGs of the last few years (and not coincidentally it is an evolution of the renowned Oblivion).
The highlights of the game are the alternative environment, the character growth and a combat mode shift particoalre much for the kind of game (as I said I am a keen admirer of the mode shift). A game, then, that must not fail to its collection, much expanded from 5 output expansion in recent months.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dog Cleaning Teeth In Edmonton

Reviews: Civilization IV

The game is not brand new, even now are some years that the market is full of some expansions, but it should be noted if only because it is the best turn-based strategy around. Given that I personally prefer turn-based games that those in real time, it is no doubt that this title is a masterpiece of the genre (and PC games in general) anche ai patiti dell'azione più sfrenata.
Il gioco ci vede nei panni di una leader mondiale (ognuno con pregi e difetti, che portano bonus alla propria civiltà) impegnato a costruire una civiltà dall'età della pietra ai tempi moderni, costruendo città, ricercando nuove tecnologie, impostando strategie politiche e militari fino a cercare di diventare leader mondiale. Le sfaccettature del gioco sono molte e avremo modo di riprendere il discorso, per ora la segnalazione è d'obbligo: uno dei giochi pc dalla immensa profondità che può essere impegnativo a molti livelli: non a caso è uno dei pochi giochi che non è stato fatto per le console.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bloons Level Pack 3 Iphone

Genres: Strategy

I Strategy Games are typically simulations of real events in which the evolution of the game is determined by the decisions of the player. The strategy game is the oldest and most famous of chess, where appropriate through movements and checkers is a simulated battle in the landscape are hundreds of computer games that stem from the same assumption to simulate different battles. The basic structure is very similar: they have at their disposal a number of pieces (armies, characters, etc.) that each have different characteristics, you have one or more scenarios and you must determine how best to move the pieces to get TMB final objective (usually beat an opponent). We
turn-based games, where each player makes his moves and then move hand to the opponent (and here we must mention the immense Civilization), or in real time, in which all players move simultaneously (most of the strategic pc but we will quote the Total War series).