Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Letter Giving Permission For Travel

Censis Survey 2008: What do customers think of their lawyers?

A recent survey conducted by Censis in 2008 puts it under a magnifying glass the attitudes of clients with lawyers, and analyze the perception and rating of a sample of the population (of 1500 people) who had direct experience of legal services in the last 10 years. The research was commissioned by the National Bar Council and presented during the XXIX Congress of the Advocacy held November 14, 2008.

Among the many positive aspects highlighted by the survey made, shows a widespread recognition of the value of social advocacy , for example 36.2% of the score gives the lawyer a central role because him as a professional who can provide certainty. In this sense, the figure of the lawyer responds to a need for social security because he is a recognized need for protection of fundamental rights of the citizen from 38.7% of respondents.

Through research are also dispelled some common especially regarding tariffs . E 'was found that attorneys' fees are not charged to discourage the use of this professional, in fact only 6.3% changed because of lawyer fees too expensive.
In most cases, 'was found clarity on high tariffs despite a fairly substantial minority (17.9%) considers the poor. The
58.1% felt that justice does not cost so much because of the lawyers, commonly found guilty of contributing to delays in assessments to gain an economic advantage.
while 87, 3% of customers do not judge unless a competent attorney who practices the lowest rates because they believe that the preparation can be assessed through other factors. Despite a widespread appreciation

, research also sheds light on critical issues. These occur in particular in terms of "perception" of quality of service , something that is independent of the objective result of the performance. 55.8% of respondents believe that lawyers think only in profit. The truth is that the focus of attention of the client that the lawyer is subject to its satisfaction, ie, the continuity in assistance, the ability to understand his needs, the protection of your privacy. This suggests
lawyers to pay more attention to managing customer relationships, and when the service is provided to the stage of post-sale ", ie after the end of the performance.

The survey then examines the potential lines of engagement for law firms and advertising information identifies one of the challenges that lawyers should face. Advertising as a source of information is a little used but still holds the potential to be reckoned with if you do not want to leave "a void that others could fill." So quotes the research, hoping for a growth of communication and information to customers "who will certainly appreciate the information threshold sbassamento - even in the form of catalogs, ad hoc services that can be expected by the Advocate."

Monday, December 1, 2008

How Long Does Gingerbread Last For

noticed on television to promote the profession

Recently I noticed the French, followed in 2008 by Belgian notaries, to promote their profession to young people, have adopted a style of communication completamente nuovo, finanziando la produzione di una mini serie televisiva dal titolo “T’as pas 1 minute?” (che tradotto significa “Hai un minuto?”). La breve sitcom della durata di un minuto è andata in onda sul canale M6 da Aprile a Dicembre 2006 dal lunedì al venerdì alle ore 19.50 e la domenica alle 20.35. La mini serie racconta in modo ironico e disinvolto le vicende di sette personaggi che lavorano all’interno di uno studio notarile. Il loro vissuto, fatto di aneddoti, gioie e intrighi viene ritratto con toni leggeri ed offre ai telespettatori la possibilità di esplorare la quotidianità di una professione a tratti poco conosciuta.

Tra i personaggi find a notary man and a woman lawyer, a secretary, an assistant, an aspiring lawyer, an accountant and a practitioner. In particular, the two notaries and Patricia Francois - both highly praised for their rigor and commitment at work - over time reveal their weaknesses. For example, Francois has formed with his former comrades and a rock band from time to time is to repeat parts of songs even when he is in office. While Patricia has a penchant for shopping and love word games, also it seems to be the kind of woman who intimidates men, from which point his recurrent emotional problems.

The aim of the initiative was to enable young people to gain confidence con la professione notarile e di suscitare il loro interesse. L’iniziativa non si è fermata alla produzione del programma televisivo, ma è stata veicolata attraverso più canali: la stampa dedicata agli studenti, internet, webmail e SMS. Inoltre nel 2007 il CNS - Consiglio superiore del notariato francese - ha organizzato una campagna itinerante d’informazione che ha toccato 28 città, finalizzata a far conoscere le diverse attività della professione notarile e di sensibilizzare i più giovani sui temi del diritto e sulle implicazioni nella vita quotidiana.

Risultati dell'azione di comunicazione

A seguito della campagna di comunicazione il notariato, ha avviato una verifica dei risultati raggiunti sui giovani e sull’opinione pubblica francese, attraverso la realizzazione di una ricerca da cui è emerso un diffuso cambiamento di opinione sui notai tra chi era stato raggiunto dalla campagna d’informazione.

L’indagine realizzata prima e dopo la messa in onda della mini-serie ha analizzato vari punti, tra cui:

· Il livello di orientamento alla professione notarile: l’esposizione al programma ha portato una diminuzione del numero di refrattari;

· Il motivo principale che indirizza i giovani ad intraprendere la professione del notaio: sotto questo aspetto la remunerazione ha riscontrato il maggior numero di adesioni. Inoltre i giovani che prima Exposure declared a general inclination to do better define the reasons.

· After watching the television series, the reasons of resistance compared to the job of the notary that were "boring" and "monotonous" disappear from the main grounds. The majority of people not interested does not make specific reasons.

· Initially the first three adjectives that were associated with the figure of the lawyer were "Tied to the money" - "Administrative Role" - "Elder". Note how the adjective "Serious" has taken the place of "old" after exposure.

· In some respects the image of the notary appeared difficult to evolve. Although there has been progress that indicate that there is room for improvement.

Commenting on the findings, Luigi Ricci, media expert and director of 'research and advisory institute Barometer says: "In recent years we have witnessed a proliferation of TV drama focused on specific occupational groups. Among the most popular players stand out judges, lawyers, doctors, police and priests. "The fiction in uniform not only successful with the public but also play another important role. "The fiction television," sostiene Luigi Ricci “gioca un ruolo importante nella costruzione di un’immagine socialmente condivisa di alcune figure professionali. Lo sanno bene le forze dell’ordine che hanno iniziato a collaborare attivamente a tutte le fasi di scrittura e di produzione di quelle fiction che li riguardano affinché il risultato che si vuole trasmettere sia positivo.”

Nel 2008 anche i notai del Belgio hanno prodotto la propria serie televisiva seguendo lo stampo dei francesi. Il format è rimasto lo stesso, a cambiare è stato solo il numero dei protagonisti che da sette è passato a cinque ed il titolo che è diventato “On passe à l’acte”.

Link alla serie francese:
Link alla serie belga: