Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Football Costumes Helmet

The Return of the Living Dead

As in a Romero's classic film, even in the world of video games zombies move in waves: after last year that gave us such titles as Resident Evil 4 and Left For Dead, this season will see a massive influx caracollanti monsters. We have already on the shelves "Resident Evil 5", with a better graphics engine (it took a little!) And an African setting, is coming "Left For Dead 2", where the differences will be minimal but not to be despised for this title. In the near future they will reach other titles on the genre, but one that will be waiting anxiously that "Dead Rising" which has depopulated the console and looking good on pc.
Meanwhile, to keep the pace, alleniamoci con uno strategico decisamente sui generis: "Plants vs Zombie", dove per bloccare le ondate di morti viventi avremo a disposizione decine di piante dalle caratteristiche diverse (sparano, esplodono,....). Titolo dalla grafica cartoon ma con una profondita e divertimento come raramente capita, ad un prezzo poi decisamente conveniente.