NOTIZIA per chi si occupa di SICUREZZA : per promuovere il ruolo degli Enti Bilaterali per la Formazione e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro, EBSiL ,l’Ente Bilaterale per la Sicurezza sul Lavoro nelle PMI, EBAFoS, l’Ente Bilaterale dell’Artigianato per la Formazione e la Sicurezza, ed EBISSALT , l’Ente Bilaterale Job Industry Health Safety Environment and Transport, meeting in Rome on 16 and 17 April at the Gallery "A. Sordi, have established the National Agency for the bilaterality , that aims to promote and develop the bilateral action of social forces in the direction of prevention, effective training for health safety in the workplace .
The conference was also attended by KHC Certification Body - Know How Certification , as a technical body on safety management systems with which the three entities have entered into bilateral a Memorandum of Understanding for Sworn Management Systems as required by Legislative Decree no. 81/08, SM .-
addition to the decision to give life to the Agency, to the First National Conference Bilateral Bodies for Training and Safety at Work has also taken the following important decisions:
1 - The Agency and the constituent bodies adhering to the campaign to collect signatures for Manifesto 2010 Safety at Work "sponsored by AIDII, FIRAS-SPP and COPIT.
2 - The Agency and bilateral bodies constituents have decided to become Main Sponsor of the "Safety & Quality Forum 2010” che si svolgerà a Roma il 27 ,28 e 29 Maggio prossimi, organizzato dal UnionProfessioni, FIRAS-SPP ed UNIQUALITY.
3- La costituzione dell’Osservatorio Bilaterale Nazionale per la Formazione sulla Sicurezza sul Lavoro.
4- La costituzione dell’Osservatorio Bilaterale Nazionale per la promozione dei Sistemi di Gestione della Sicurezza.
Appuntamento al Safety & Quality Forum 2010 per l’incontro con il mondo delle professioni tecniche dell’area Safety e Quality che si riuniranno a migliaia per l’occasione il 27,28 e 29 Maggio prossimi.-