Sunday, February 27, 2011

Barb Wire Pam Costume

In the advertisement law firm LabLaw the watchword is

Un uomo in giacca e cravatta con un guanto da lavoro sporco di grasso che esce dal taschino. Una porta in legno con sopra l'insegna arrugginita "Men at work" (lavori in corso). Sono i due le versioni della ppubblicità scelta dallo studio LabLaw specializzato in diritto del lavoro, che sotto l'immagine precisa: «Ogni giorno ci mettiamo al lavoro». E ancora, «Pensate che il lavoro duro lo facciamo noi».

Con questa iniziativa lo studio LabLaw , ha voluto fare in modo che l’immagine pubblicitaria, oltre ad essere attraente e d’impatto, fosse facilmente associabile alla loro principale area di expertise, explains Francesco Rotondi, founder of the study.

advertising as a communication tool, has become increasingly popular among law firms, however, still remains subject to the limits established by the Code of Conduct, which is always good to remember, can be summarized in the forms of advertising ban Comparative and prejudicial to the dignity and professional decorum.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Does Mississippi Look Like

Social Movements in CHARTS ONLY: Rey Ty

Focus . com - Principles of quantum theory
- There is no objective reality of matter, but a reality from time to time created by the "observations" of man.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Routeplanner Charlotte

I limiti dello sviluppo 35 anni dopo - Crisis

"Actually she is convinto che la luna esiste solo se la si guarda?"

Oily Hair Late Period Egg White Discharge

Che fine ha fatto il rapporto "I limiti dello sviluppo" che piazzava in questi anni l'inizio di problemi globali ?

LinkedIN:Taccuino di smontaggio e studio del giocattolo politico

FAQ 1. Che cos'è il Venus Project? life. The VP not only presents a vision of how it could be, but a vision of how the world can be, if we apply what we already know, to reach a new sustainable global civilization. It calls for a complete redesign of our culture, in which the old problems of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but as totally unacceptable. Anything that propose less than this will result in a continuation of the same problems we see in today's world.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Play Soul Silver On Mac


Come è possibile una democrazia fino a che le disparità economiche sono cosi enormi ?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Monster Energy Drink Sale

TUTTI LO SANNO, NESSUNO NE PARLA. - Storia della ITC italiana, mediocre e divorata da un insaziabile parassita.

Vote buying takes many forms and happens in most democracies. Indeed, its relation to general campaign spending in elections is not free of discussion. But political scientists tend to agree that if one wants to identify vote buying, one should find it in campaign spending activities with no political substance (handing of cash/goods for votes). We can therefore infer that vote buying may be thriving in settings with low political accountability. Clearly this is the case in many developing countries more ...

Uncensored Waxing Salon

Ora i nuovi negri possono vestire la minigonna e le catene possono essere d'oro e costare 5 milioni di euro

Luggage Aircraft Cargo Bay Temperature Dropping

NUCLEO Un progetto che è esattamente l'inverso di un incubatore che funzioni come il big bang e irradi attorno la passione e la coscienza di una nuova creatività innovativa estrema.

The Limits to Growth 35 years later - Crisis

If the Club of Rome had some merit, this was the fact that he rebelled, first, the suicidal ignorance of the human condition " a nice grill king for those who knowingly kept
Aurelio Peccei
do not know if there is a hell, but if there are preparing

the vast majority of people (including so-called intellectual classes
) in a Posted by Picasa not only ignorance but also murder suicide (remember, right? "the
American way of living is not negotiable these scientists who have fought for decades, defend against thousands and thousands various jokes and slander slander. bow your head and offer our personal tribute
throwing at least one eye on this little book of 1972 .

Chapeau, Mr. Randers, Mr and Mrs Meadows (Deb and I have had the honor of the
D. Meadows in 2006, still bright, bold and shiny and like most 'of 35 years ago).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Modern Cutting The Cake Son

Network politico

I try to carry out the projects with added value of people with whom I have no way to exchange ideas and opinions. E I am ready to propose topics and solutions that leave no room for irrationality and see unexplored solutions. A few days ago I had the opportunity to write a true scientist, the only one who occasionally exchanged a few words and I will send his writings. I wrote that suddenly it seems that Italy, which until now was done by saints, poets and sailors suddenly seems filled with political movements of the founders and innovators. There is one thing that worries me that the world has also developed methodologies large does not seem to be able to predict the time that 2000 was the turning point. I do not rely much on the follow disciplines that have failed in guiding the world. The Mediterranean is about to explode, not Africa, not Egypt or Yemen: The Mediterranean. was really unpredictable? 'S unpredictable think that the same will happen in south east asia at a time not so far away? If I can I get these questions then surely thinking heads infinitely more equipped and paid more could and should do so. Over 80 years the Club of Rome had made these claims and the conclusions reached by developing mathematical models. The answers given in the report "The Limits to Growth" was in place two thousand years after a series of serious problems that should be of primary interest to those who govern the world. This report has been forgotten and discarded me wonder why

Walmart Item 41/60 Ckshrm


But where we found them all these MPs ready to sell for two cents? But not avavamo people who had pride, self-denial and self-sacrifice? but what kind of MPs we ever move perr reduced their benefits or to care for citizens in distress!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Side Effect Of Apricots

History of ITC Italian, mediocre and devoured by an insatiable parasite.
La storia vista da me comincia con alcune lettere che avevo diligentemente dattilografato e spedito ai sei big dell’informatica presenti in Italia. A quei tempi ero uno sparuto geometrino che sognava di poter fare una cosa per cui nessuno mi aveva preparato e neanche consigliato.

Nelle sei lettere chiedevo quanto avrei dovuto pagare per usare un computer.

of computer science at that time I knew nothing and had no money to pay for any studies (in fact I had to work a bit to help 'the family budget)

was truly a mission impossible and I think that persons who have received those letters on the other side of the fence must have been quite surprised because at that time in the world of computers there is CONFIDENTIAL and accessed through expensive courses for employees of companies. All I said kindly, however, and even a kind Eng. Spider del'IBM called me by phone that I had indicated, that the studio where I worked. But the call came with these great leaders and I virtually had no way to have a real conversation.

That was many years ago has nothing to do with the story you want to tell you except to establish the beginning.
The following years led to some progress in computers and was one in which after years of machine language assembler and then finally came the second generation languages \u200b\u200bFortran, Cobol, and so on.
The Italian computer at that time was sharply divided between management and scientific worlds divided and opposed. Users outside the universities were completely focused on the management il che significa uno stuolo di dottori commercialisti ( pochi ) moltissimi ragionieri e poi altri che in un modo o nell’altro entravano nel processo.
L’avvento dell’RPG completava la cultura informatica italiana consolidava RPG e COBOL come un assoluto standard che avrebbe resistito fino ai nostri giorni.
I sistemisti a quei tempi venivano presi dalle aziende, addestrati e poi messi in servizio, cosi come i programmatori.
Che tipo di cultura si era formata ? Una cultura limitata, un sottobosco di società che agganciavano giovani con la speranza di un buon lavoro facendo pagare poche, cattive e approssimative nozioni prezzi inenarrabili a cui i poveri neofiti si sottoponevano pagando certe volte rate per anni.
Le università a quei tempi non avevano facoltà d’informatica tranne  Pisa che costituiva il sogno difficile da raggiungere per molti.
I manager a quei tempi facevano solo i manager, non sentivano per niente il bisogno di avere una cultura specifica che delegavano.
Questa si può dire che chiude una prima fase che penso si può collocare tra la fine degli anni 70 e fino agli anni 90.
L’ingresso dei PC negli anni 80 in massive quantities
has greatly changed things by putting the power of the PC available to individual as well as small businesses.
The arrival of the PC was a moment of panic for many corporate ladder because he risked incumbent monopolies and extended powers.
The PC input with an affordable cost has enabled many users to access and make a personal culture and often cross the border and become professionals.
The rest is history today.
Now it's clear that things have taken place without order senza supporto delle istituzioni e per tempi lunghi senza scuole pubbliche che potessero formare.
Gli Italiani non sono mai stati ( le masse ) congeniali con gli argomenti tecnico scientifici matematica e logica erano per i più un male inevitabile, l’inglese, indispensabile per gli approfondimenti, una noiosa pastoia.
Questo era il mondo del gestionale.
Il mondo dell’informatica scientifica ha un momento forte con l’arrivo delle stazioni grafiche specializzate, costosissime,sofisticate.
In questo mondo spesso erano i fornitori del prodotto  a formare gli addetti e , anche nel caso del software ed erano quasi esclusivamente aziende straniere che  imponevano costi inimmaginabili per compensare i loro esperti e i loro trainer.
Anche qui la formazione non era organica e razionale.
Abbiamo mai avuto in Italia un Bill Gates ? abbiamo avuto fornitori di CAD ? di fogli elettronici di word processor ?
Abbiamo avuto un inizio di queste cose ma poi queste piccole iniziative sono morte di inedia o sono state eliminate perche vendere un computer era più facile e remunerava molto di più.
We have never built? We had a garage where someone with Italian hot soldering iron ever tried to grapple with the hardware? There's never been anything like all'Hewlett Packard but there have been attempts. Olivetti erase history because it is a story about a state contractor with its aberrations.
course at the end of the story is zero, no one has produced anything comparable to what I said above. Italians many serious electronics enthusiasts and fans do not seem to be able to convert to digital in time, why?
If we look at the history of computing as a whole we see that we always been slaves of foreign technology and the reasons are blindness, inability to innovate institutions and large corporations, the anti-technological phobia, especially in the all-Italian who has been afraid of losing large and small powers, the petty politics of the financial system
But the story does not end here:
For decades someone breaks into one of the companies who have to make jobs information and who must often make snap it down three or four tiers of intermediaries. I forced the notebook and without any right of VAT and any form of assistance have worked for dozens of years, producing everything what in Italy using the ITC by the banks to telephony, media, industry virtually anywhere.
and everything has always been hindered by a third party making monopoly, becoming the Mafia just as happens with the illegal hiring of immigrants with the necessary strong differences in compensation.
everyone knows it, nobody talks about it.
Where are the bodies responsible for monitoring? what is to blame for this blindness of a system that has created a mafia behavior?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wwe Cannot Vote In Usa

Ognuno puo costruirsi la sua personale realta come meglio crede, molta gente  è bravissima a mentire a se stesso e a non avere assolutamente nessun dubbio.
Ma sui principi non si buo barare : nessuno puo usare un altra persona, non ci sono padroni e non ci sono schiavi nonostante ora i nuovi negri possono vestire la minigonna e le catene possano essere d'oro e costare 5 milioni di euro. Ognuno puo pensare che non è vero che l'opinione pubblica mondiale sghignazza di un paese rappresentato da barzellette sconce. Tutto questo non autorizza nessuna strumentalizzazione il mondo sara migliore solo quando sara migliore insieme

What Type Of Haircut Does Jeff Hardy Have

Un progetto che è esattamente l'inverso di un incubatore che funzioni come il big bang e irradi attorno la passione e la coscienza di una nuova creatività innovativa estrema.
Qualcosa che invece di mettere i concetti attorno alle realtà ( aziende, istituzioni, comunità eccetera ) li introduca al centro di esse.
Mi piacerebbe realizzare il nucleo, un punto di attrazione magari realizzato in tempio Thailandese con i consigli e la saggezza di un maestro ( vero ) di meditazione.
Io penso che forse l'approccio al problema come un qualcosa consolidation referred to an analysis to determine deficiencies and then design and implement the remedy is not to spread best practice, hard in the analysis phase and a long and hard at the stage of propagation of the remedies.

A more appropriate and productive approach is to see the current situation is not a static entity but the most dynamic one can imagine a world in which signals propagate, meet, collide, bounce, generate echoes, is amplify or dampen it all up to be depleted by generating patterns of behavior and trends.

So in reality it would change the world by introducing a minimum of energy and takes place with great speed

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Plans For Board Breaking Stand

Can Kidneys Regain Function

Network political

I think that the approach to the problem as something of which to make a consolidated analysis, determine the design flaws and then create and disseminate the best remedies is not difficult in the analysis phase and long and hard at the stage of propagation of the remedies.
I believe that a competent and productive approach is more correct to see the current situation is not a static entity but more dynamic than you can imagine: a world in which signals propagate, meet, collide, bounce, generating echoes are amplified or until they soften esaurisrsi
All generating patterns of behavior and trends. So if I create change in an environment so absolutely not take a static approach but Cerha interpretrare to understand the changes underway and their interactions, the birth or death. And then I wanted to create the change I would try to use the existing dynamic pattern trying to introduce a minimum gap that can then propagate and amplify not creating new networks of interaction, which I think is a very cumbersome and distracting, but encouraging and strengthening aspects of existing dynamics. So in reality it would change the world by introducing a minimum of energy and takes place with great speed
I think that a political entity capable of spreading and produce the results could be basata su concetti piu dirompenti dei movimenti politici tradizionali. Questo gruppo potrebbe essere basato su microcellule indipendenti piccole quanto basta ( tre o cinque ) contenenti un DNA ( insieme di regole e di assunzioni di responsabilità ).
Le microlellule si formano lavorano per realizzare lo scopo e si propagano. Nel momento in cui il numero è raggiunto si dividono e formano due cellule completamente indipendenti e cosi via. Le cellulle devono avere nel loro DNA ( regole ) per produrre e muoversi nella società generando segnali. Il DNA deve essere studiato in modo tale che i segnali generati dalle molteplici cellule sparse sul territorio formino pattern caotici e quindi diventino visibili e riconoscibili come gruppo dall'esterno. Evidentemente questo modo di procedere è innovativo proprio per questo puo provovocare timori pero alla fine non è tanto diverso dai Tea party o dalle riunioni per la venditita di Tupperware.  I vantaggi di questo approccio sono assenza totale di organizzazione centrale e delle relative spese, massima ergonomia perche contrariamente a grandi riunioni è facile che si possano riunire 3 - 5 persone . Il lavoro grandissimo evidentemente è la preparazione del DNA l'insieme di regole e comportamenti che forma il gruppo politico. Regole basi del DNA :
Cercare di modificare i comportamenti individuali cercando di fare nascere o rafforzare i concetti :
a - Responsabilità comune ( impegnati nel trattare il prossimo tuo come yourself) b - Universal Responsibility (focused on improving the universe) These two behind all the other changes needed? Must be approved in detail and prepared in detail?

suggest that you create a green zone between the majority and opposition where they are immediately conveyed to the problems of emergency and agreed to proceed beyond any political reflex only to solve the problems of citizens

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Congratulate Someone On His Birthday


Il 27 gennaio ultimo scorso, la Presidenza di UNIONPROFESSIONI ha incontrato ACCREDIA (l’Ente Italiano di Accreditamento), per illustrare il programma dell’evento dell’anno sui sistemi di gestione: il “Safety Quality and Enviroment Forum 2011©” (brochure e notizie su ), ottenendo il sostegno di Accredia per l’iniziativa: parte alla grande il «Safety, Quality and Environment Forum 2011©».


Roma, 3 febbraio 2011 - Sono 10 le Associazioni (professionali, sindacali e datoriali) appartenenti a tutto il territorio nazionale, che hanno aderito al SQE FORUM 2011©, con già oltre 7.000 professionisti e migliaia di aziende coinvolte, cui si aggiunge ACCREDIA, l’Ente Italiano di Accreditamento.

Dopo il cordiale incontro dei due CoPresidenti di UNIONPROFESSIONI (Dr. Giancarlo D’Andrea e l’Ing. Angelo Freni), con il Direttore Generale di ACCREDIA (Dr. Filippo Trifiletti) del 27 gennaio u.s. , ACCREDIA prenderà parte al «Safety, Quality and Environment FORUM 2011©» del 16 e 17 giugno 2011, sponsoring and supporting the initiative, participating in the Plenary Session and operates two specialized workshops on issues of accreditation and certification.

The event of 2011 on occupational safety, quality and the environment is confirmed, since its beginning, as a landmark event and one of high standing in the world of business and the professions , on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.

The first presentation, the provisional program and the characteristics SQ © 2011 forum is already possible to view them on , the website dedicated to the event in the coming days, will be the collection of recordings of the participants.

UNIQUALITY The 2nd National Congress to be held June 17, 2011 in Rome, in the SQE FORUM © 2011, promises to be a time of high standing and constructive comparison with the national Stakeholeders.