Tia, the software for the management of environmental health fee, sold to the municipality of Besnate (Va )
Quid Informatica is a group of people united by experience and expertise in the field of information technology and communication, a team selected and determined to engage effectively with the design, construction and commissioning of IT projects to achieve the objectives agreed with the customer. Quid Computing offers a complete range of services from design and development to consulting and customer service departments and ASP Data housing ai servizi di Help desk e Service desk.
Riguardo alle nuove soluzioni proposte da Quid, Tia è il software per la gestione della tariffa igiene ambientale, una soluzione applicativa sviluppata con lo scopo di affrontare e risolvere la problematica derivata dalla trasformazione della tassa rifiuti in tariffa. Il prodotto Tia si compone di moduli applicativi che permettono una gestione completa della problematica, interfacciandosi con le applicazioni gestionali esistenti. Questo servizio ha come oggetto una piattaforma applicativa “Q-TIA”, sviluppata da Quid, con cui viene erogato un servizio di supporto e gestione dei dati anagrafici relativi ai cittadini di ogni comune. La soluzione proposta da Quid prevede la definizione di un canone di base, concerning the provision of a range of services listed and quantified on the experience of the last period.
The main objectives of the service are: - Service population data from / Comune/i.- the assistance and support with any garrison staff Quid .- periodica.Tra billing activities of municipalities of Italy who used the software Quid information society for the calculation of Tia (Rate of Environmental Health) point to the town of Besnate (Varese). Among the most important features of the software have been reported speed of installation and cost: it is thanks to its experience and methodology Quid is capable of handling data from a new common in a few days, ensuring an efficient billing in a very short time.
Quid Informatica srl \u200b\u200b- see Prato, 141-50145 - Florence Tel + +39 055 323444 - Fax + +39 055 32344530 - mail@quidinfo.it
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