word of mouth, certainly, but also new strategies are based law firms with offices look and design of communication materials, they turn to marketing professionals, focus on events and conferences. The watchword is "Communicate."
In the May 2009, the magazine of Il Sole 24 Ore "THE" looks at the communication in law firms.

be known. And to be assertive: two imperatives that shake the world a little 'catch many law firms. But now they are all convinced that communication, from marketing to legal conferences, arts-oils from the interviews, it is essential to acquire customers. And some begin with the name: but there seems little for the study is already a revolution. Members of Legance , for example, a name that evokes the sound of the words legal and elegance, born just over two years ago as a spin off of the study Gianni Origoni Grippo have chosen chlorine in consultation with specialized agencies. While another study, NCTM, is the acronym of the surnames of its founders: "At the time the rules of ethics forbidding different names and found this solution just to be different from the usual Smith & Associates, "says Piermauro Carabellese of NCTM.
Professional legal marketing
The choice of almost all the major studios, and many medium-sized, however, is that reliance on agency communication. Says Laura La Ferla Pms : "Our role is to assist the study in dialogue with the media and to collaborate in identifying issues or areas best suited, with the objective of ensuring the correct positioning in the market and the appropriate level of visibility. " For Giuliana Paoletti, managing director and founder of Image Building , is to be applied to law firms the same methods of communication sector finance, "but the matter requires legal know-how." Federico Cerrato DSC Italy acknowledges the complexity of managing relations with the media: "It always takes a lot of caution in communicating them." The coordinator of the accounts that follow the law firms clients Barabino & Partners, Claudio Cosetti, shows that "while in France and the Anglo-Saxon countries are much bound periodicals, including The Lawyer, which refers to studies Legal and their activities, that we exist, recently, only Top Legal . But the Italian studies, rather than just appear, they want to be perceived correctly in their respective areas of competence. On location and layout, however, as a means to communicate with at least the core of the study, the choices are diverse: from the design of large international law firms to "look" more traditional Chiomenti. The open space is not loved but the positioning of buildings in honor of the city center is almost a must.
And marketing? This tool is a close relative of the communication. Paola Paris is one of the few experts Marketing office: "As a rule, come to me a group of lawyers who want to do a study and asked to organize a site. But this is not the order of factors. First, there really is a need to study and only then can build a site where the contents reveal a strategy. " Some, however, is now marketing oriented: Mauro Carved, Carved Rovacchi study of Lugo di Romagna, admits that "it was essential to have appropriate software to use as a monitoring tool for all of us and thus have a constant check on productivity of each. "
Source: IL, "Lawyers in a loud voice," May 2009
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