The full room (800 seats ) All day to show that the arguments and issues discussed were considered to be of broad interest to the participants.
Exploring by the interventions, from the comments of the speakers and participants of the 1st Congress UNIQUALITY:
• "During the work of UnionProfessioni the great national event, the FIRAS-SPP el'UNIQUALITY asked the representative of the Government, which intervened on day 1 ( Dr. Luigi D'Onofrio, Chief Minister Hon Legal Carlo Giovanardi - Secretary State of the Presidency of the Council), in relation to security, simplification of standard procedures for alcohol and drugs, so it is defined in how companies should behave themselves and adapt. "
• "During the work of great national event the Government representative, speaking on Day 2 (Dr. George Rimondini , Chief of Cabinet of Ministers Gianfranco Rotondi - Minister for the Implementation of the Government) has requested UnionProfessioni, FIRAS-SPP and UNIQUALITY, to detail the proposals set out in writing to a transposition on the requirements of the Trainer Safety at Work (FSL).
• "Directors of Personnel of the 550 most important companies in Italy are members of HRC, through the Director-General Dr. Franco Di Dio Magri , gave evidence to support initiatives such as today's' .
• "as stated by the speakers of the 1st day," ... in quality were years that do not organize such events and that participation "...."
• " UNIQUALITY ha dato evidenza, durante la 1° giornata, della sua funzione di rappresentare le esigenze e le proposte degli Auditor, dei Lead Auditor , dei Professionisti e delle Persone che operano per la Qualità, l’Ambiente, la Sicurezza e per i Sistemi di gestione, nei confronti delle principali istituzioni politiche e amministrative, delle organizzazioni sindacali, delle altre forze sociali ed organi di regolazione e controllo».
• « UNIQUALITY ha chiesto pubblicamente ed ufficialmente in 1° giornata, ad ACCREDIA, Ente unico di Accreditamento, essendo uno Stakeholder importante Certification System for Italy, to be represented in the committees and accreditation in ACCREDIA present, it is not the professional profile of the Auditor now represented. "
• "was presented the Green Paper UNIQUALITY -FIRAS-SPP, which aims to stimulate a wider debate on ways in which Italy could promote a culture of safety, quality and environment, and particularly on how to take advantage of existing experiences, fostering the development of innovative practices, improving transparency and enhancing the reliability of the activities of sworn, evaluation and certification carried out in Italy. "
• "was presented the Green Paper UNIQUALITY -FIRAS-SPP, which aims to stimulate a wider debate on ways in which Italy could promote a culture of safety, quality and environment, and particularly on how to take advantage of existing experiences, fostering the development of innovative practices, improving transparency and enhancing the reliability of the activities of sworn, evaluation and certification carried out in Italy. "
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